Focus Point: Have a group critiquing experience while working with Michael and peers.
Description: This "CRITIQUE LEARNING" digital offering, together with peers and Michael alike will discuss and critique each other's work. The work presented can be at any stage of the completion process. The in-depth critiques are aimed to have clients understand and reflect on each other's musical approach, ideas presented in their work, overall methodology, material and spatial realization and cultural context. The aim of these group critique sessions is to provide a forum for productive and respectful engagement of ideas. Clients are encouraged to work towards defining a series of philosophical positions as they reflect upon on their own work and that of their peers. Michael will support will support this process by introducing strategies for catalyzing interaction among the critique group members. The group critiques will be supported by specific texts assigned primarily by clients in relation to their work and on occasion by Michael for each meeting.
Time Frame: Service will start after six or more clients sign up. Service will last one and half hours. Must also start and be completed within two weeks of target date. Upon purchase, you will receive a welcome email containing information about scheduling your service. See disclaimer for more information.